Test Preparation
One of the most popular uses for hypnotherapy is for studying and test taking. Often clients relay having challenges with the stress and anxiety of taking exams and most often, forgetting the material that they know and have studied during the exam. Learn how to relax and concentrate at the same time. Change your old habits and replace and create positive changes and build new strategies for learning. If you would like to increase your focus, concentration, attention and recall and maximize your success at test taking, call Shelley Halpern, Certified Hypnotherapist in Los Angeles for more information.
LSAT, MCAT, SAT, ACT, MFT boards and much more
Stop smoking
Stop smoking is one of the most common reasons people seek hypnotherapy. There are two main types of smokers: the identification and replacement smoker. The identification smoker begins smoking because his or her friends smoked and they want to be part of this group. If they continue to identify with this group, smoking will become a deeply ingrained habit. The replacement smoker uses cigarettes to replace a habit such as eating, confidence, stress or anxiety and gets oral gratification from the cigarette. They receive pleasure from the ritual of smoking as well.
The steps I go through with clients to assist them to quit smoking include contacting them by phone and spending about 15 minutes discussing whether they are ready to stop smoking. If you are not ready (you are doing this for your doctor or spouse), it won't be effective. If that is the case, then we can work on motivation and when you are ready, then work on stop smoking. There are some people who aren't addicted and can stop smoking more easily. For others, it will require multiple sessions. Smoking is a chemical and psychological issue. People continue to have cravings because it's not just a physical addiction but a psychological issue. With hypnosis, we work on replacing and changing the habitual pattern.
Smoking is harmful to both the smoker and nonsmoker alike by causing various types of cancer. There are over 7,000 harmful chemicals in tobacco that can include hydrogen cyanide, carbon monoxide, ammonia, formaldehyde and much more.
When you quit smoking, you can experience some of the following positive changes in your body:
- Within 20 minutes of your last cigarette blood pressure adjusts to natural levels, pulse rate adjusts to a normal level and the body temperature of the hands and feet increase to normal.
- In 8 Hours carbon monoxide level drops to normal.
- In 24 Hours chance of a heart attack is significantly decreased.
- 48 Hours nerve endings start to re-grow, the ability to smell and taste improves.
- 72 Hours bronchial tubes begin relaxing and lung capacity begins to increase.
- 2 Weeks to 3 months circulation in the body improves, walking becomes easier, lung function increases up to 30%.
- 1 to 9 Months coughing, sinus congestion, fatigue, shortness of breath decreases. Cilia regrows in the lungs, increasing ability to handle mucus, cleans the lungs and reduces infection.
- 5 Years lung cancer death rate for the average smoker (one pack per day), decreases from 137 per 100,000 people to 72 per 100,000 people (after - 10 years, rate drops to 12 deaths per 100,000) or almost the rate of a person who never smoked.
- 10 Years Pre-cancerous cilia are replaced. Other cancer such as those of the mouth, larynx, esophagus, kidney and pancreas decreases.
Make a firm promise and commitment to yourself and choose to live your life healthy, strong, vital, vibrant and powerfully alive by freeing yourself from the bonds of cigarettes.
Call or email Shelley Halpern, Los Angeles Hypnotherapist today to start the process of change. 818-205-7271
In person or phone sessions available.
Stress and anxiety
Everyone of us experience stress or anxiety. In fact, it is a normal human response that we all go through in our lives. We can look at stress in a positive, functional way; it gets us up for a speech or performance or it can by dysfunctional and toxic and can affect us physically, spiritually and emotionally and intellectually.
David Spiegel, Stanford University's associate chair of psychiatry and behavioral sciences explains the difference between stress and anxiety as follows: "While there is definite overlap between stress and anxiety, ultimately the two emotions come from two different places. With stress, we know what’s worrying us but with anxiety you become less aware of what you’re anxious about [in the moment] and the reaction becomes the problem. You start to feel anxious about being anxious. The key difference [between the two] is the sense of helplessness. When it comes to stress, you can deal with things and master them. By rolling up your sleeves and tackling that stress, you can feel less helpless.”
How can hypnosis and imagery help? Shelley Halpern can teach you tools and strategies to help lower the stress and anxiety such as self hypnosis, mindfulness skills such as breathing, de-sensitization and EFT.
Pediatric hypnosis
"Everything you want is on the other side of fear" Jack Canfield
Adolescents today face extraordinary challenges and hypnosis and guided imagery can provide tools and strategies to enhance their lives. Hypnotherapist Shelley Halpern, provides a safe, warm space to learn, grow and move through transitions from the expected to the expected in life.
How can hypnosis help your child? Listed below are some of the ways:
Self esteem
Improve athletic performance
Performance anxiety
Coping with loss
Fears and phobias
Emotional self sufficiency and resilience
Increase confidence
Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder,
Hair pulling (trichotillomania)
Hypnotherapy can empower your teen by using their rich and vivid imaginations to overcome obstacles and tap into the power of their own mind. If you live in Studio City, Sherman Oaks, Encino, Tarzana, Woodland Hills, Calabasas or on the Westside in Beverly Hills or Santa Monica, call or email Shelley Halpern, Certified Hypnotherapist for a phone consultation or email response within 24 hours.
Sports Performance and Hypnosis by Shelley Halpern, C.Ht.
You can achieve your full potential by using both your body and your mind. You might have noticed when two athletes have comparable body types and abilities and one excels at kicking a ball past the goal with amazing precision or swim faster, always defeating their competition. Have you ever noticed how a seemingly average athlete can exceed his or her potential while the athlete with more ability never reaches their goal? It is true that physical training is essential but consider how important mental training is as well. You can improve your performance, not by increasing your workouts or resorting to drugs. The most powerful tool you have is the grey matter located between your ears. Your mind is your greatest friend. Working physically and mentally are tools to help you work smarter not harder.
Mental training and imagery can help you achieve your full potential. If you want to get more out of your workouts or if you experience stress or anxiety in competition, learn how to control it and reframe it to your advantage. We all have worry and anxiety but there is a functional and dysfunctional type. There are positive parts of anxiety, the kind that prepares us for competition or when you are learning a new skill or getting “up” for a performance. Eliminate toxic worry! Worrying and stress weakens the athlete physically, spiritually and emotionally. Learn how to redefine the moderate levels of worry and anxiety.
You can learn to be a better athlete by eliminating the “stinkin thinkin,” by allowing your body to do what it was trained to do. Stop over thinking every movement and detail. Don’t become overwhelmed by the moment, your body knows what to do. Start letting go of your analytical, left brain side and allow your right side, the creative, visual side to take over.
In 2002 Johan Hedberg, the goal tender for the Pittsburgh Penguins used hypnosis and imagery to improve the mental side of his game. He was quoted as saying, “I think back on last year and I feel shame. I feel sick, I didn’t just want to work out my body to get rid of it. I wanted to work out my head as well. But Hedberg wasn’t just sick over losing – he was losing his composure.” 1
In an article written by George Smelch in Nine called “Baseball’s Mental Game,” he states that “about one-third of the players interviewed said they visualize before games. Visualization or what many sports psychologists alternatively refer to as imagery or mental rehearsal, is used to create and concentrate on the mental images of a physical act before doing it.”
Jamestown Expos pitcher Mark Larosa learned to visualize from his girlfriend’s father who is a psychiatrist and who uses hypnosis and imagery in his practice: While they are announcing the line-ups, I sit in the corner of the dugout by myself, and breathe deeply and try to relax, and I see myself on the mound going through the motions, delivering the pitch. I don’t see the batter’s face or anything, just my arm action and my ball action. Once I think I have it down, that’s it. It doesn’t take long, just three to five minutes.”
How does imagery work in sports performance? Imagery is seeing something in the back of your mind’s eye (in the back of the eyelids) but it uses sensory recruitment as well. This includes using all of the senses; sight, sound, smell, taste, touch and emotions. By training physically and mentally you will enhance your performance. Words create images and the brain learns through images. There are two hemispheres of the brain, the right and the left side. We use both hemispheres all of the time but often times, one side is dominant. The left side is the logical analytical side. The right side is responsible for imagination and making pictures. By using both hemispheres of the brain you are using all of the mental tools available to the athlete. Imagery allows you to mentally rehearse your athletic performance, enables you to connect with your own inner resources and affects you physiologically. When you are in hypnosis you are in homeostasis, your mind and body are in balance. Your body doesn’t discriminate between real and imagined events. So you are actually practicing and pre-training for your sport, you are rehearsing for your physical activity.
Mental training and imagery allows the athlete to merge the physical and the mental side of the game. If you want to get more out of your workouts, learn to control and conquer your fear and enhance your performance during competition, learn the tools and strategies to help you be the best you can be. The athlete cannot rely solely on physical training. Enhance your sports performance by unlocking your potential and tapping into the body and the mind.
1 ESPN.com Wednesday, August 28, 2002
what is hypnotherapy

Hypnosis is a state of deep relaxation where you are able to access your subconscious mind to help you create your path toward success. In hypnosis, you are completely open to positive thoughts and suggestions that allow you to replace old behaviors and habits with new ones you desire. Hypnosis is a deeply relaxed state in which you access the most powerful part of your mind, the subconscious. A wonderful metaphor for the conscious and the subconscious is the image of an iceberg which is about 88% below the surface (subconscious) and 12% is above the surface (conscious).
Hypnosis attracts thousands of people each year from all ages and all walks of life. They all come seeking the unique services that hypnotherapy provides.
- Pediatric hypnosis
- Stress and anxiety
- Stop smoking
- Test preparation and exam
- Pre and post surgery
- Improve sports performance
- Fears
- Phobias
- Insomnia
- Pain Management (with medical referral)
- Fear of flying
- Fear of public speaking
- Confidence
- Self esteem
- Lower blood pressure
- Nail biting
- Stage fright
- Death or loss
- Substance abuse
- Weight loss
- Post traumatic stress (PTSD)